Kimster's very own "동방 Gol" *hiaks*
Everyone, this is my room. I finished re-arranging and sticking the posters just a couple of minutes ago and here they are in their 동방신기 glory! Mwahahahahahahahh!
This is an angled view. My room is small. @_@
A front view of my main wall. It's 동방신기 everywhere and my Oppa right smack in the middle with his lovely calendar. No, I have not forgotten about you, Oppa. *^_^*
And this, is my other wall. You can see an empty space beside the "Heart, Mind & Soul" poster. Yes, I'm waiting for my LIMITED EDITION "Rising Sun-Jap" poster from Yesasia, which I think will come today. Sadly, I'm not in the office. Shall pick it up tomorrow.