Thursday, November 23, 2006

.::. Yoong's Diary.::.

Credits: DBSK Thread @ Soompi

[HERO] 영웅재중입니다. No.232006-11-22

안녕하세요. 영웅재중입니다. 주위를 둘러보면 단풍이 곱게 물든 나무들이 가을의 정취를 많이 느끼게 해주고 있어요. 어느새 가을이 중반을 훌쩍 넘어선거죠.^^

저희 동방신기 3집 음반 “O”-正.反.合.의 활동을 시작한지 이제 두 달 째 접어들어 가고 있어요. 신나는 노래와 함께하는 즐거운 무대에여러분의 사랑도 한층 더 깊숙해진 것을 몸소 느낄 수 있었고요. 그만큼 저도 더욱 더 여러분께 가까워 지고 싶은 마음입니다.

지난 주말엔 여러분과 함께 한 특별한 여행을 통해서 여유로운 마음의 평정이라고 할까요?… 저희가 항상 무대 위에서 여러분을 위해 무대를 준비해오다가, 반대로 관객이 되어 여러분이 무대에 올라서 보여주시는 다양한 모습에 즐겁게 응원해드릴 수 있어서 마음 가득 흐뭇함을 느낄 수 있었던 시간이었어요.함께했던 우리들의 이야기 시간에 귀를 기울여 주시는 여러분의 눈망울과 아침에 반찬을 직접 담아드렸을 때 맛있게 식사를 하시던 모습. 그리고 마지막 소감을 이야기 하는 시간에 기념사진을 찍던 그 순간까지! 모두 모두 마음 속에 소중히 담아올 수 있었던 즐거운 시간이었어요. 다음에는 우리 모두 함께 할 수 있으면 해요.^^

어제는 참으로 많은 생각을 하면서 하루를 보냈어요. 저를 낳아주신 친부모님이 계시지만, 어릴 적 기억이기 때문에 자세한 내용은 잘 몰랐어요. 하지만 친 어머니의 존재를 알게 되었을 때부터 어머니와 자주 연락을 하면서 지내왔고, 친어머니와 지금의 부모님과는 좋은 관계로 지내고 있습니다. 아버님께서 진행하신 지금의 소송이 재판까지 이어질 정도로 문제가 있는 것인지 잘 모르겠지만, 김재중 으로 살아가고 있는 현재로서의 저는 동방신기의 김재중 이며, 앞으로도 김재중 으로 계속 살아가고 싶습니다. 그래서 양쪽 부모님께 모두 효도하면서 살아갈 것이고 부모님 모두도 원만하게 지내 주셨으면 하는 바램입니다.

날씨가 참 많이 변덕스러워 졌어요. 독감 예방 주사 미리 맞으셔서 감기 안 걸리시게 조심하시고, 우리 동방신기 음반 계속 많이 사랑해 주세요!!!

하나 더. 여러분이 좋아하시는 “세상에 단 하나뿐인 마음” 우리도 많이 좋아하는 거 알죠? *^^*

Hi, This is Yeong-woong Jaejoong.Looking around, we can feel autumn,from beautifully tinged autumnal trees.It has already passed middle of autumn. ^^

Now, TVXQ has already had two months of promotionfor the third album “O”-正.反.合.".On the stages singing joyful songs,I could feel that your love has been even more deepened (than before),and I also want get closer to you.

Last week, in the Autumn Trip with you,I felt a kind of....easiness and composure of mind...It was always we who prepared performances for fans.But last week, we were the audience,watching and enjoying your various performances,so my mind was contendedly full with happiness.I preciously keep the happy moments in my mind:the moment that you guys carefully listened to us when we talked,the moment that you ate those side dishes which we(TVXQ members) gave out,and also the moment that we took pictures altogether, sharing our feeling about the trip!It was such a joyful time that I keep in mind.I hope to have a chance again with all of you! ^^

Yesterday, I thought about really many things all day long.I have real parents,but it is a memory when I was young, so I didn't know any detail.After I came to know my real mother,I kept in contact with her quite often,and my real parents and adoptive parents have had good relationship.I don't know very well whether the lawsuit that my real father started is serious enought to lead to a trial,but I am TVXQ's Kim Jae-joong at present, and hope to live as Kim Jae-joong in the future, too.So I will be a good son for both of two parents,and I hope all of them have a good relationship.

The whether is very coprisious.Get a preventive injection so that you would not catch a cold,and please keep loving TVXQ album!!! One more,you guys know that we also love "you are my miracle", the song you really love, don't you? *^^*

Friday, November 17, 2006

Xiaopang and Yoong's latest hair colour!

Kim: I'm liking the hairstyles! *GRINS*

Thursday, November 16, 2006


Xiaopang and Mr Park's new hair...

Monday, November 13, 2006

Interview on Lee HyukJae & Kim JunSu, Highschool interview

this is when Hyukjae is 11 years old & Xiah is 12 years old
(R - reporter
H - HyukJae
J - JunSu
italics - rose_ddalki's explanation)

Lee HyukJae, Kim JunSu. There are singers at our school?They were center of all teachers' and students' attention since their entrance to into school. Best at singing! Best at dancing! JunSu and HyukJae say they are good at everything except studying.We met the boys training hard at SM entertainment to become singers.

R: First, please introduce yourselves.

H, J: Hello, we are the talented Lee HyukJae and Kim JunSu in first year classes 11, 12 of the Great HwaSoo High!

R: What's so fascinating about becoming a singer?

H: I love being in front of an audience- it's a job where you can show yourself to the people. It first appealed me when I was in grade 3 of primary school.

J: I love it when people smile because of our singing. Watching an on-stage singing and dance performance was so awesome that I wanted to do it myself. Since grade 5. My dream was to become a baseball player until grade 3 of primary school...

R: When did you start performing?

H: Since grade 6. We started training in SM in grade 2 of middle school. I think since grade 1 (of middle school) for JunSu?

R: What's the lowlight of training?

H: What gets me is that I get so tired. Wherever my head rests becomes my pillow.

J: What makes me saddest is that I don't have time to study even if I want to study.

H: Sometimes I even cry because we want to study

J: We envy you guys, studying~ (*reporters laugh*)

R: Is there anyone else in your group? What's the band name?

H: There's a hyung. He's a year older than us; he's handsome, sings really well, and he's really nice. (that would be SungMin) I can't really tell you anything more... Honestly speaking, we don't have a band name yet. But if you insist, it's called "Lee HyukJae and the unimportant co." (J: Kim JunSu and the petty kids. keke)

R: Any funny episodes during your training?

H: I saw a ghost. While I was dancing, I turned to see JunSu, and there was someone behind him. But when I looked again s/he was gone... I'm scared. TT(this was told in the first episode of Mystery 6 by SungMin and JungSoo ^^)

R: What are the songs you sing best?

J: I don't know what I sing best, but my favorite are the KangTa ones...

H: My best is "She's gone~"(^^;;) My favourite song is "Pianist" by Park HyoShin.

(R: HyukJae and JunSu did not sing for us with an excuse that they had the cold T_T)

R: When are you going to release your record? We resent to hear 'no comment'!

J: This is seriously secret~ Sorry

R: How did you get to know each other? When did you become friends?

J: I have a lot to say about this~ In grade 5 of primary school, there was one kid who sucked at soccer but still insisted in playing soccer with us. He always wore a red cotton shirt and, as thin as his legs were, he always wore capri pants~ It shamed me to see him, my first impression on him was 'dirty'. And of course, we became close because we had a same dream.

H: For me as well, I first saw him in grade 5 of primary school.(*Junsu falls off chair*)

J: (*trying to cut H's words) HyukJae-yah, why are you so good looking?

H: You coward. I always used to play soccer because my classmates begged me to. And while playing soccer, I saw a kid who always dribbled the ball and let everyone snatch it- no rather, he always just ran with all his heart. He, also, usually wore a red vest with a Mickey Mouse on the back and black shorts pulled right up over his belly button.

J: (is almost dying of laughter) How do you remember that?!!

H: Like he says, all that came out of my mouth when I saw him were sighs. Just looking at him made me pity him. The reason that we became friends is also because he had the same dream as me.

J: Be honest- everyone liked Mickey Mouse then!! Do you have any idea how much I liked it?

H: Everyone liked it until grade 2 of primary school.

R: Any compliments or criticisms to each other?

H: First off, JunSu's to be complimented for his futile perseverance regardless of the fact that he's not good at anything, and his never-failing quarreling skills. He's though, to be criticized for the fact that he sucks despite the fact that he tries so hard (*JunSu sighs*) and insisting too much on the rubbish he believes in!!

J: I admit that he's a good guy. If there's one thing to comment on, it's the fact that his hair's curly...(H: It's nice and wavy!) And his slyness, always trying to laugh off a situation!! And like his nickname (HyukJae's nickname - 'miser'), he gets pissy at the pettiest things. What I like about him is that the 'always trying hard' is so tangible -NOT- and people sympathize with him easily. I really envy him for that.

H: We're really good friends!

R: You already have so many fans; how would your score your fan service?

H: First off, there are a few Internet fan communities, and the members ask us why we don't write to them. But we're controlled (by SM, I think) as to how much we communicate with them through the net. To be honest, we really want to reply to each and every post... I hope you understand our feelings. I'm very sorry that our action score is 0 although in our hearts we would score 100.

Source : Reina in Bestiz.
Translation : rose_ddalki (from dongbangshinki.livejournal)
Proof-read : nekura_hime
Credit :

061112 THSK Saipan FM - Love Flap, Short trans - JJ with his cold jokes

Saipan FM Love Flap

1:20 - 1:45

The last part of the radioshow :

DJ : TVXQ will be going to Tokyo soon.

Jaejoong : Eh? We're leaving now? Ah Ah Ah~ I hate this~

DJ : Do you have anything to say to the fans out there? We'll begin with Jaejoong.

Jaejoong : Me first? Haha.DJ : It'll be better if you guys can be funny. (Laughs)

jaejoong : Be funny? Haha! Hello, everyone. I'm the member with fantastic image, Jaejoong. Haha~ This is the funny part. Don't you feel cold? Everyone.

Changmin : It's very hot in here.

Junsu : I feel really hot. Hahaha~~~

Jaejoong : It'll get cold soon. Please take care of your health.

Changmin says something.

DJ : The next one is the member with leadership qualities, Jaejoong. (He's supposed to call Junsu!)

Jaejoong : It's Junsu. (Junsu was the one who said that he has leadership qualities during a-nation. T_T~)

DJ : Hahaha! My mistake.

Jaejoong : I'm not the one with leadership qualities, I'm the one with fantastic image!

Junsu : It's all because of Changmin & yoochun that I'm sititng in this isolated place. (Laughs)

061107 Music Connection FM Fukuoka - THSK

DJ : We've just heard THSK's Miss You. Today's guest will be THSK. Hello.

TVXQ : Hello.

DJ : Wow, so neat. Welcome here, please introduce yourselves.

-- Introducing themselves --

DJ : We'll see the guests' outfits first. The outfits that you guys wore today is filled with autumn's touch. Fukuoka will be getting colder from today onwards. You guys will be okay right? Seeing that your outfits're pretty warm.

Junsu : It's okay. I'm feeling a lil hot.

Jaejoong : Rather thans aying warm, I kinda feel hot now.

DJ : It's pretty hot in the recording room now. Let's get back to the show. We've received many messages from the fans. Firstly, I would like to ask, 'What do you think of fashion?" From erl's message. Do you like any brand?

Yoochun : We're not really particular about brands.

Yunho : If it's nice after seeing it, then it's ok.

DJ : If the design is nice, that'll do, right?

Junsu : I like casual wear.

DJ : Casual wear is pretty convenient. The previous time you guys came to Fukuoka was during a-nation, how many times have you been here then?

Junsu : The 8th or 9th times I guess?

DJ : Many times yea.

Yoochun : Yea. Countless times.

DJ : What do you think about Fukuoka?

Junsu : When I first came here, to me, the scenery's really beautiful.

Jaejoong : It's a lot like Korea.

DJ : Oh..

Changmin : Cos it's very near to Korea.

DJ : Oh, it's pretty near. What do you think about Fukuoka's fans then?

Junsu : When we're performing on stage, they're really passionate and supportive, and pretty as well.

DJ : Pretty? There're many fans here today as well, many of them!

TVXQ : Thanks everyone.

DJ : TVXQ's single will be released tomorrrow, yeah..

TVXQ (Claps) : yeah..

DJ : This'll be the 8th single. When Miss You was played previously, I saw all of you humming to it. Miss You and Sky are both fast-tempo songs. What do you thnk about this song?

Yunho : Miss You's lyrics are very sad, but the tempo's fast. I thnk it's great to listen to it while driving. It's great to listen to it anytime.

Jaejoong : Anytime, anywhere, it'll be good. And it's also good to sing it in Karaokes.

Junsu : Your mood will be better.

DJ : I get it now.

Yoochun : And also before meal! It's good for digestion~

DJ : Before meal?

Jaejoong : Yoochun meant that it's good to listen it anytime.

DJ : Then what's the secret/recipe to sing it well in Karaoke?

Yunho : You don't have to sing this song alone cos it has got harmonies, so I think it's better that way.

DJ : Oh. This PV has got story behind it. What's the story like?

Junsu : Eeryone shot it seperately. It's about the scene where we receive mails.

DJ : The PV's great.Yunho : We felt awkward while shooting it.

Junsu: After seeing our acting, we felt the urge to sing the song better. Haha.

Changmin : Junsu's acting wasn't good.

DJ : Is it so? Haha! Everyone please watch the PV. From kikari's message. What's your hobby?

Yunho : Watching videos.

DJ : What kind of videos?

Yunho : I've watched yesterday.

DJ : Oh. . Was it good?

TVXQ : Yes.

DJ : All of you watched together?

TVXQ : Yea.

DJ : How do you guys relieve stress?

Jaejoong : We'll have a long-winded chats together.

DJ : It'll be very noisy?

Jaejoong : That way, we'll be able to relieve stress then.

DJ : Oh. Using long-winded chats to relieve stress. Message from nomunomu. I've watched oyur animal outfit's performance yesterday, it's really cute.

DJ : You gusy acted as animals?

TVXQ : it was for a show.

DJ : Acted as animals? Why?

Junsu : My animal's a sheep.

DJ : Sheep? What animal's that?

Yunho : (said sheep in japanese)

DJ : (thought it was dog) Is it dog?

Yoochun : (t was a bit messy here, they're trying to explain it)

DJ : Oh, is it sheep?

Yoochun : But Junsu wasn't like the sheep. He was scary!

DJ : Haha! What about the rest?

Yoochun : I'm a rabbit.

DJ : Why?

Junsu : We shall ignore him! Haha!

DJ : (Crapped a lot) Next message's from youttyann. Please eat more, you'll need t for the busy schedule.

DJ : You're happy to receive this kind of message right?

TVXQ : Very happy.

DJ : Anything that you're into it nowadays?

Yunho : Watching videos and playing games. (Computer/ PS games)

DJ : You guys play games together? Who's the best?

Yoochun : It's Changmin.

DJ : Do you like any movies or movie stars?

Junsu : I don't really like any movies in particular, as long as the movie's nice.

Yoochun : The movie that I've watch recently is.. (He didn't knwo how to say it in Japanese)

Yunho ; it's okay to say it in English.

Changmin : Devil Wears Prada.

DJ : What kind of movie is it?

Junsu : The female actress's really charming.

Yoochun & Changmin : Anne Hathaway.

DJ : Oh! I know that. Wears Prada, that one right? The girl's cute.

TVXQ : Yea, really charming.

DJ : (Continues crapping) Who do you miss? Or anything that you miss?

Yunho : My family.

DJ : With your tight schedules, you have very little time with your family right? What do you usually do with your family?

Junsu : Chatting and while eating.

Yoochun : Just some common stuffs.

DJ : Common stuffs. You guys' Japanese're pretty good. How long have you been learning?

Junsu : With teacher, it's 6 months. But with the busy schedule, we don't have much time now.

DJ : Only 6 months?? Japnese difficult right?

TVXQ : Yes. Very difficult.

DJ : You've learnt 'sheep' today.

TVXQ : (Repeating 'sheep' in Japanese)

--- Continues to crap ---

061112 TVXQ - Beauty, Health & Fashion

Which part of you are you confident in? (Which part of you fits the word 'beauty'?)

Junsu : I don't have any part at all. Frankly speaking, beauty is very far from me.

Changmin : It's not like that. There're lots of parts. Your existence itself is a beauty!

The rest : Oh~~

Yoochun : My eyelashes are really long and curly. I can even put a matchstick on it!

Yunho : Changmin was born in a 'beauty' way. To me, his charm is his eyes.

Junsu : Jaejoong's eyes are really huge and shiny.

Yunho : I feel that my nose is quite sharp.

Junsu : Plus, Yunho's face is very small.

Yunho : Junsu's charm is his butt!


How to stay healthy?

Yunho : I usually jog with Junsu.

As superstars, where can you actually jog?

Yunho : In the garden or by the river, and we'll wear a cap and pull it really really low till it covers the eyes. (Laughs) We'll jog for 40-50 mins. Sometimes, we'll even jog with our manager. In Korea, we were recognized by the fans before.

Junsu : When we were recognized by them, it turned out to be a race among us and the fans. (Laughs) We'll run faster at first, to keep a distance from them. Then, we'll slow so that the fans can catch up, and we'll repeat that all the way! (Laughs)

Yoochun : I'll eat before I sleep. (To stay healthy)

Other members : Yoochun is the type of person where he thinks a lot about everything. His secret on staying healthy is by thinking super positively all the time.


Anything that you're particular on even while you're not working? (On accesories and clothings)

Yunho : I have some connection with necklaces.

Jaejoong : I really want to go somewhere to shop for all these, but I don't have the time.

* On the other hand, Junsu and Changmin who're totally opposite.

Junsu : To me, I'll just wear whatever I see after waking up.

Changmin : I don't have any comments on clothings.

Friday, November 10, 2006


Thursday, November 09, 2006


Oh man... they look really tired... if only they took Xiaopang's one as well...

Celebrating Park's Birthday @ Holland Village. Part 1...

HATs @ Fosters for dinner. Baked fish and Lamb Rack.

Park in her new Adidas jacket from KimJung and a special gift by Kim!

Chillin at HV Starbuck. Toffenut Latte, Peppermint Mocha and Caramel Macchiato! Heaven!

Birthday girl, feeling oh so Heng Bok!

Chocolate Royal specially for Parkie!

HATs @ Holland Village to celebrate Parkie's Birthday! Part 2

Happy Birthday Parkie!!

*clap clap*

Hmm... guess what wish she made.

Birthday girl all smiles

Nice blurry effect =)

Going Kuku at the playground.

Our shadow... coll...

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

one part in the mnet clip

In the beginning of the show, Yunho opened the 1st gift with a watch inside. All the members were really envy of of it. So, they decided that since Yunho was the one that opened it, that watch belongs to Yunho.
Then, the rest of the members rushed into each room to grab more gifts. But, they realise that Yunho's is still the best, and all of them wanted his watch badly, especially Jaejoong.

When Yunho was holding their 1st single and admiring it :

Jaejoong : Yunho-ah, do you think that the watch is more valuable or our 1st single?

(Yunho realised Jaejoong's trick that if he were to say that the 1st single is more valuable, he'll lose his watch to Jaejoong immediately.)

Yunho : Ah, what if I ask you the same question?

Jaejoong : But I was the one that asked you first.

Yunho : Ah, no.. You knew my answer right? We've been living together for 4 - 5 years.

Jaejoong : Yunho-ah,Yunho, answer my question, I asked you first.

Yunho : I, of course, think that our first single is more valuable. But, but, this watch is the 1st gift that I received from, and you were the one that put it on for me, our members put it on for me, I can't just take it out like that....

Jaejoong : Ah...

Yoochun : The members put it on for you, so, what if the members are the ones who take it off, it should be okay too, right??

Jaejoong : The members take it off, it's okay right?

Yunho : then.. I'll grab it back as well.

Jaejoong : I.... I won't grab it for sure.

Jaejoong, Yunho : Hahaha..

Jaejoong : It's okay, although all of us have our own gifts, we still share our things right?

Yunho : Yea

Changmin : Our things are Jaejoong hyung's, Jaejoong hyung's things are still Jaejoong hyung's...

Thursday, November 02, 2006

more junsu photo!

this is the kid acting as the young junsu in the balloon mv.
dam cute!!

*takes tissue* jaejoong prague photobook picts